
What I offer

If budget is an issue, please don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss with me. I understand cost can be a barrier to seeking support and am open to alternate arrangements. This could include royalty-based payments for self-publishing authors or scaling my rates, particularly if you belong to a community underrepresented in the industry and your work touches on “own voices” issues or themes.

All prices are in Canadian dollars. Custom editing or writing service packages can be discussed.

From the Rough Cut (a full developmental edit)

A deep edit, perfect for works that are rough cuts in the earlier stages of finalization. From structure to characterization, pacing to plot, this service would entail more mentoring to help authors bring out the best in their works while maintaining their own voices. Prices are unique to manuscripts, dependent on length and needs of the author. Estimated cost range: $20 to $30/1000 words.

Grinding and Sanding (a lighter developmental edit)

Similar to the full developmental edit, but for manuscripts that have undergone previous reworking. It will entail working with writers on fine-tuning their manuscripts, focusing on characterization and character arcs, finding and plugging plot holes, pacing, and relevance, as well as identifying and helping solve issues such as loose threads or fact-checking. Prices are unique to manuscripts, dependent on length and needs of the author. Estimated cost range: $15 to $20/1000 words.

Facet Polishing (general edit proofreading)

Spelling, punctuation, and grammar edit, as well as light attention to issues identification (such as timelines or consistency) are included with this service. Prices are unique to manuscripts, dependent on length and needs of the author. Estimated cost range: $5 to $10/1000 words.

Lab-Grown Production (copywriting services)

As a creative, highly-skilled writer with more than 15 years worth of experience working as a communications professional, I am can also provide copywriting services. Estimated cost range: $30 to $40 an hour.

The Prospector’s Special (manuscript assessment)

For writers who want some summary feedback on work before heading into editing, this service entails reading a full manuscript in order to provide authors a summary report that includes notes on plot, characters, dialogue, and theme, as well as overall impressions. Estimated cost range: $4-5/2000 words, with a $20 minimum.

The Minor Miner (children’s picture book edits)

Includes at least two rounds of developmental editing of copy, plus a final proofread of for the layout. Estimated cost range: $300-$400